Friday, September 14, 2012

Leading Lines

 I like this picture because its a leading line picture and the tree trunk leads the persons eye towards the ground.
 This picture is a leading line picture because the keys are in a row and lead to the end of the keyboard.
 I really like this picture because of the different colors in it. The black mascara and the blue in Grace's eyes really contrast and gives the picture color. Also, the eyelashes, are leading lines toward the center of the eye.
 I really like this picture because it isn't just an inanimate object, but it actually tells a story on a person taking a picture. I also like the bokeh in the background. The fingers in this picture are leading lines because they lead the eye to the center of the picture, which is of the camera.

 I like the focus on this picture and the position of the leaf. It feels like its going to drift away with the wind. It also has a leading line on the sidewalk leading to the unfocused background of the picture.

 I like how this picture is just a simple object that you would see every day. The leading line in this picture is the hand of the timer which leads to the numbers and the outside of the circle.
This picture of graffiti at ocean beach conveys leading lines because of the lines leading to the staircase. I thought that this picture would be more dramatic in black and white.
I like this picture because it has leading lines and repetition.

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